Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Rental Mainan anak

Demi melihat senyuman dan gelak tawa sang buah hati, apapun akan dilakukan orangtua. Terlebih orangtua yang "berkecukupan", mainan dengan harga jutaan rupiah rela dikeluarkan dari dompetnya untuk memenuhi keinginan anak. Tapi kendalanya anak-anak cepat sekali bosan dengan mainannya. Alhasil, mainan yang dibeli dengan harga jutaan rupiah tersebut terbengkalai di sudut ruangan rumah. Tapi, sifat anak yang gampang bosa kerap membikin orantua puyeng. Acapkali si anak bosan pada mainan yang mereka miliki. Walhasil, para bokap-nyokap terpaksa membeli mainan baru dengan harga bantingan.Alternatif lain adalah menyewa mainan. Nah, cara alternatif ini mengibaskan angin segar bagi para pengusaha rental mainan.

Dunia anak memang dunia bermain. Di samping bermain, anak mengapresiasikan dan belajar mengenali dunia lewat apapun yang intens berinteraksi dengannya. Dari lingkungan dan warna hidup yang berjuta, anak melatih kreativitas di samping mengembangkan daya kreasi dan imajinasinya, tentunya lewat sarana bermain. Bisa dibilang, bermain bagi anak adalah hal yang fitrah adanya. Nah, kalau bisa menyewa dengan harga terjangkau, mengapa harus membeli dengan harga selangit. Yang penting, anak senang, orangtua bisa lebih hemat. Agar banyak yang melirik, pelaku bisnis ini mesti punya mainan bermerek terkenal, seperti Fisher Price, Mega Bloks, atau Leap Frog. Kalau perlu, para pengusaha itu menyediakan rental mainan yang tidak ada di dalam negeri.

Sumber :

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Meraba Toyota Aplha Hibrida

Toyota, produsen mobil nomor satu di dunia terus bergerak maju dengan menambah rangkaian varian Prius hibrida plug-in tahun depan. Kali ini model tersebut bukan lagi liftback, melainkan minivan atau MPV kompak yang diberi nama Alpha.

Hebatnya lagi, proyek hibrida terbaru ini telah dijadikan prioritas dengan target peluncuran pada bulan Maret tahun depan. Minivan hibrida ini menurut informasi langsung menggunakan baterai lithium-ion. Namun, untuk menekan harga Toyota, Toyota menyertakan versi dengan baterai yang digunakan Prius sekarang, Nikel Metal Hidrida (NiMH).

Rencana Toyota tersebut diberitakan oleh beberapa media on-line otomotif internasional yang mengaku memperoleh sumber dari orang dalam Toyota. Dijelaskan pula, bobot baterai lithium-ion baru Toyota ini hanya sepertiga dari versi NiMH yang digunakan sekarang pada Prius.

Alpha atau Prius Alpha menggunakan sasis Prius terakhir dengan tambahan jok baris ketiga di belakang sehingga mengubah ujud kendaraan menjadi minivan. Toyota memilih nama Alpha untuk memudahkan sebutan langsung setelah Prius. Minivan ini diberitakan lebih panjang 300 mm dari Prius dan jarak sumbu roda mulur 20 mm.

Toyota juga berencana membuat versi lima penumpang. Namun, varian ini masih mengandalkan baterai NiMH. Diperkirakan, minivan 7 penumpang Prius hibrida ini dijual di Jepang dengan harga Toyota mulai dari 2,5 juta yen atau Rp 250 juta. Ia akan menjadi saingan berat bagi minivan yang banyak dipasarkan di Jepang saat ini.

Kendati rencana Toyota meluncurkan Prius Alpha tahun depan bocor, belum ada media yang memiliki foto, gambar, atau rendering mobil tersebut. Foto yang dimuat adalah konsep hibrida X yang pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Toyota saat Pameran Mobil Jenewa pada 2007. Waktu itu, sudah berhembus informasi bahwa hibrida ini akan menjadi varian tambahan buat Prius generasi berikutnya.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Iklan baris mulai mengkhawatirkan

Kemarin saya hampir saja ketipu iklan yang mengatakan bisa menarik duit dari ATM tanpa mengurangi saldo kita. Setelah saya cek di berbagai website yang me-review iklan seperti itu, ternyata iklan itu tidak jujur,” kata Ichwan, seorang pemasang iklan baris atau gambar dalam curhatnya kepada penulis lewat Yahoo!Messenger.

Penulis tidak akan menilai apakah situs tersebut bohong atau tidak, tetapi jelas dengan cara menyembunyikan ”cara mendapatkan uang” sudah cukup alasan untuk mengatakan ada yang disembunyikan.

Iklan-iklan yang tak memiliki etika selalu menggunakan bahasa-bahasa bombastis, berlebih-lebihan, dan tak sesuai akal sehat. Persoalan di Indonesia adalah tidak semua pengunjung internet sadar bahwa iklan online juga bisa menyesatkan.

Masih banyak pengguna internet awam yang beranggapan internet bisa ”menciptakan keajaiban marketing” tanpa kerja keras. Internet dianggap seolah sebagai sesuatu yang nilainya hi-tech, canggih, melampaui akal sehat konvensional, dan bisa mempercepat kaya seperti cerita-cerita dunia dongeng tentang kesuksesan Google atau Yahoo!.

Celah psikologis ini dimanfaatkan oleh para pengiklan yang memindahkan bisnis konvensional (yang sebagian banyak berbau money game) ke bisnis online. Hanya mengubah cara merekrut orang dari presentasi tatap muka ke email, iklan baris online atau website, dan mengganti istilah ”downline” dengan istilah ”reseller” sudah banyak yang ”luluh lantak” hatinya dan merasa percaya bahwa ini benar-benar keajaiban internet.

Padahal, yang sering terjadi hanyalah pemanfaatan celah psikologi pengunjung awam yang tak paham soal teknologi internet. ”Cetak uang gratis dari ATM,” begitu salah satu bunyi iklan.

Di iklan baris lain mengatakan, ”Programmer kami telah bekerja menciptakan sistem ini.” Di iklan yang satunya lagi sudah beda kalimatnya, ”Hacker kami telah berhasil menciptakan bla... bla... bla....” Seolah memperkuat bahwa apa yang ditawarkan benar-benar bisa mempercepat kaya.

Beberapa situs lama memilih untuk menggunakan bahasa pemasaran yang lebih sopan dengan mengatakan internet merupakan sarana pemasaran yang andal. Mereka akan memberi contoh-contoh kesuksesan yang pernah diraih seseorang, tapi tak jelas bagaimana cara meraih sukses itu. Apakah menjual sebuah produk ataukah hanya menjual script (program membuat website untuk jualan produk serupa) atau e-book semata?

Karena itu, sebelum mempercayai sesuatu itu logis atau tidak dan benar atau bohong, mau tidak mau harus bertanya dulu kepada pelaku yang pernah mencoba. Sayangnya, review berbagai produk online seperti itu masih langka di Indonesia. Akibatnya, korban-korban money game semakin banyak dan mereka akan terus merekrut korban lainnya.

Jika misalnya menemukan iklan ”Produk Ajaib Cepat Kaya”, masukkan ke mesin pencari nama produk tersebut untuk mencari tahu respons pengunjung lainnya, contohnya: produk ajaib cepat kaya bohong. Jika pernah ada yang melaporkan produk tersebut bohong, di mesin pencari akan menampilkan pembicaraan soal pro dan kontra produk tersebut.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Tips pasang iklan di internet

Pasang iklan seperti sudah kebutuhan wajib bagi para pebisnis online bisa membayar jasa pemasang iklan atau dilakukan sendiri secara manual/otomatis.Bila membayar jasa pemasang iklan tentu anda tidak akan capek dalam menginput iklan karena akan dilakukan oleh jasa pasang iklan tersebut,tetapi ini berbayar dan biasanya mahal.Bila dilakukan sendiri akan terasa sangat capek apalagi dilakukan tanpa trik,akan membuat iklan anda tidak efektif.Berikut tips untuk memasang iklan.

1. Gunakan judul yang membuat orang penasaran (ini berlaku untuk mengiklankan web,produk)

2. Gunakan keyword di judul dan isi (ini berlaku untuk meningkatkan rangking anda di search engine)

3. Isi iklan gunakanlah kalimat persuasif(anda harus bisa mengajak pembaca iklan)

4. Isi iklan jangan terlalu panjang,juga juga jangan terlalu pendek usahakan dibuat dengan 2 atau lebih paragraph.

5. Kalau link iklan tidak bisa di klik langsung(saya menemui ada iklan baris seperti ini)anda harus menggunakan url tredirection misal dengan .tk ini untuk pengunjung tidak mengcopy alamat utamanya saja dan tidak menambahkan id=anda (berlaku bagi reseller dan web replika)

Sedangkan triknya sebagai berikut(berlaku unutk pasang iklan sendiri)

1. Gunakan sofware pasang iklan massal misal suryapromo.Namun dalam menggunakannya anda tidak usah submit semua keiklan baris ini akan memakan waktu dan melelahkan.Anda cukup submit ke iklan baris terkenal.Cara mencari yang terkenal itu lihat di list iklan barisnya dan kunjungi coba cek alexa rank dan jumlah online dan pemasang pada hari itu(alexa semakin rendah semakin baik,jumlah online dan pemasang sebaliknya)contoh yang dan

2. Apakah lebih baik input iklan ke ratusan iklan baris namun hanya sekali,atau input ke iklan baris ke beberapa saja namun beberapa jam sekali.Jawabannya lebih baik yang ke beberapa saja namun anda input beberap jam sekali kenapa?karena web iklan baris yg sangat ramai adalah halaman utamanya,setiap anda input iklan maka iklan anda akan ada dihalaman utama namun tidak lama ,makanya perlu input beberapa kali .

3. Anda juga bisa coba,,, untuk mengiklankan secara massal dan gratis.

4. Gunakanlah roboform untuk menginput isi dari iklan ini akan jauh menghemat waktu anda.

5. Yang terakhir jangan malas dalam input iklan(ini kunci kesuksesan)

Mungkin itu dulu tips& trik pasang iklan baris,jika ada yang mau menambahkan silahkan saja.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

pasang iklan semakin mudah menggunakan internet

Pasang Iklan di internet makin mudah

Sedikit ingin berbagi pengalaman dalam melakukan promosi melalui pasang iklan baris yang terpasang di internet.

Bagi anda pelaku bisnis internet, atau apapun juga, kegiatan promosi adalah suatu hal yang wajib dilakukan kalo ingin meningkatkan penjualannya.

Promosi merupakan sarana paling efektif untuk menyebarkan informasi dan peluang yang kita miliki agar diketahui oleh masyarakat luas.

Di Internetpun demikian, melalui promosi, maka blog kita, bisnis kita, semuanya akan menjadi terasa mudah dan tentunya akan meningkatkan rating bagi penjualan kita.

Namun karena di internet ini sangat banyak sekali website yang menyediakan sarana untuk promosi berupa iklan baris,maka tentunya kita juga harus bisa memanfaatkan kesempatan ini agar lebih efektif dan efisien.

Tentunya sangat merepotkan kalo kita harus submit ke 850 website iklan baris secara satu persatu, butuh waktu dan pastinya sangat melelahkan.

Beruntung kita yang pasang iklan di internet ada software pendukung untuk pasang iklan secara massal dan langsung tersubmit ke sekitar 985 website iklan baris gratis hanya dengan sekali pasang saja.

Ini mang buktikan sendiri, karena sudah 2 bulan ini mang melakukan promosi MPP Syariah dan menggunakan software pasang iklan massal, hasilnya memang betul terpasang dan tersebar di hampir lebih dari 800 website iklan baris.

Cara kerjanya sangat mudah, tidak membutuhkan waktu lama, bahkan setting untuk pertama kali install di komputer juga tidak memakan waktu lama.

untuk software pasang iklan massal silahkan anda cari di google.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

cepatnya media pasang iklan di internet

Hampir 1 miliar orang di dunia terhubung di internet. Pengguna saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan, interaksi sosial, reputasi online, mencari materi sekolah, lowongan kerja, atau sekadar iseng menghabiskan waktu luang.

Integrasi ini semakin lama menjadi kekuatan kolektif yang belum pernah dikenal manusia sebelumnya, bahkan untuk sepuluh tahun yang lalu. Situasi ini nampaknya tidak berlebihan untuk disebut sebagai revolusi komunikasi dan informasi global. Gejala baru yang nampak menonjol adalah pemanfataan file-sharing, blog, situs yang dapat disunting beramai-ramai bernama Wiki dan layanan jejaring sosial seperti LinkedIn, MySpace serta Meetup Inc., yang membantu setiap orang-mulai dari penggemar kartun hingga pemburu ayat-ayat Al-kitab.

Teknologi semacam ini ternyata mampu mengangkat potensi unik internet dengan cara yang tidak dilakukan e-mail ataupun situs tradisional.Situasi yang dinamis tersebut tentu rugi jika disia-siakan oleh para jasa pasang iklan. Perusahaan yang cerdas akan selalu melihat celah-celah menyampaikan pesan kepada calon konsumen. Maka jangan heran ketika iklan televisi sering diabaikan pemirsa, maka dunia online menjadi salah satu alternatif.

Memasuki kawasan internet kemungkinan besar pasar bisnis berubah dalam waktu cepat dan menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia, termasuk negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia yang kini jumlah pengguna internetnya baru mencapai 16 jutaan. Dalam gelombang bisnis internet (e-business) ini, para pemain online menjual komoditas seperti buku, musik, atau perdagangan saham. Konsumen tak perlu lagi melihat, memegang barang yang bakal dibeli, sebab yang terpenting adalah tahu harga dan kualitas barang.

Yang terpenting dari transaksi adalah pelayanan baik, kesepakatan harga dan saling menjaga kepercayaan. Prospek pasang iklan di pasar online membuka kesempatan yang lain, baik bagi perusahaan kecil, besar maupun korporasi, termasuk membuka kesempatan para calon konsumen untuk berinteraksi. Iklan online menjadi semacam pasar domestik yang menglobal.

Kehadirannya bisa mengancam eksistensi pasar iklan media cetak, bahkan ke depan pasar iklan televisi bisa tersaingi. Namun semuanya ditentukan oleh sedikit-banyaknya pengguna internet. Untuk Indonesia, potensi pasang iklan seperti di atas masih perlu menunggu waktu.*

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

The National Wine Centre of Australia

The National Wine Centre of Australia (commonly the "Wine Centre") is a public exhibition building about winemaking and its industry in South Australia. It contains an interactive permanent exhibition of winemaking, introducing visitors to the technology, varieties and styles of wine. It also has a wine tasting area, giving visitors the opportunity to taste and compare wines from different areas of Australia. The Wine Centre is situated at the eastern end of North Terrace, Adelaide in the east parklands and adjacent to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. The building is designed and uses building materials to reflect items used in making wine. The external of the building looks like a section of a wine barrel. Outside the building are rows of grapevines, showing seven different varieties of grapes to curious visitors who normally wouldn't have access to a vineyard to see the differences for themselves.

Its development by the Olsen Liberal State Government was shrouded in controversy and it was labelled as a white elephant by the Opposition. It eventually opened on 7 October 2001 after enabling legislation created the concept in the National Wine Centre Act (1997). After a number of problems with funding, management and profitability, the Wine Centre operation was taken over by the University of Adelaide on 1 July 2003. It now offers some of the university's oenology courses, as well as the public face of the wine industry in Australia.

Source :

See Also : Flower Philippines, Gift Philippines, Flowers Jamaica

Australian Wine and its History

The Australian wine industry is the fourth-largest exporter in the world, exporting over 400 million litres a year to a large international export market that includes "old world" wine-producing countries such as France, Italy and Spain. There is also a significant domestic market for Australian wines, with Australians consuming over 400 million litres of wine per year. The wine industry is a significant contributor to the Australian economy through production, employment, export and tourism.

Vine cuttings from the Cape of Good Hope were brought to the penal colony of New South Wales by Governor Phillip on the First Fleet (1788). An attempt at wine making from these first vines failed, but with perseverance, other settlers managed to successfully cultivate vines for winemaking, and Australian made wine was available for sale domestically by the 1820s. In 1822 Gregory Blaxland became the first person to export Australian wine, and was the first winemaker to win an overseas award. In 1830 vineyards were established in the Hunter Valley. In 1833 James Busby returned from France and Spain with a serious selection of grape varieties including most classic French grapes and a good selection of grapes for fortified wine production. Wine from the Adelaide Hills was sent to Queen Victoria in 1844, but there is no evidence that she placed an order as a result. The production and quality of Australian wine was much improved by the arrival of free settlers from various parts of Europe, who used their skills and knowledge to establish some of Australia's premier wine regions. For example, emigrants from Prussia in the mid 1850s were important in establishing South Australia's Barossa Valley as a winemaking region.

Early Australian winemakers faced many difficulties, particularly due to the unfamiliar Australian climate. However they eventually achieved considerable success. "At the 1873 Vienna Exhibition the French judges, tasting blind, praised some wines from Victoria, but withdrew in protest when the provenance of the wine was revealed, on the grounds that wines of that quality must clearly be French." Australian wines continued to win high honours in French competitions. A Victorian Syrah (also called Shiraz) competing in the 1878 Paris Exhibition was likened to Château Margaux and "its taste completed its trinity of perfection." One Australian wine won a gold medal "first class" at the 1882 Bordeaux International Exhibition and another won a gold medal "against the world" at the 1889 Paris International Exhibition. That was all before the destructive effects on the industry of the phylloxera epidemic.

In the decades following the devastation caused by phylloxera until the late 1970s, Australian wine production consisted largely, but not exclusively, of sweet and fortified wines. Since then, Australia has rapidly become a world leader in both the quantity and quality of wines it produces. For example, Australian wine exports to the US rose from 578,000 cases in 1990 to 20,000,000 cases in 2004 and in 2000 it exported more wine than France to the UK for the first time in history.

The industry has also suffered hard times in the last 20 years. In the late 1980s, governments sponsored growers to pull out their vines to overcome a glut of winegrapes. Low grape prices in 2005 and 2006 have led to calls for another sponsored vine pull. Cleanskin wines were introduced into Australia during the 1960s as a means to combat oversupply and poor sales.

In recent years organic and biodynamic wines have been increasing in popularity, following a worldwide trend. In 2004 Australia hosted the First International Biodynamic Wine Forum in Beechworth, Victoria which brought together biodynamic wine producers from around the globe. Despite the overproduction of grapes many organic and biodynamic growers have enjoyed continuing demand thanks to the premium prices winemakers can charge for their organic and biodynamic products, particularly in the European market.

Source :

See Also : Flowers Brisbane, Flower Sydney, Flowers Philippines

The Use of Rum in Cuisine

Besides rum punch, cocktails such as the Cuba Libre and Daiquiri have well-known stories of their invention in the Caribbean. Tiki culture in the US helped expand rum's horizons with inventions such as the Mai Tai and Zombie. Other well-known cocktails containing rum include the Piña Colada, a drink made popular in America by Rupert Holmes' song "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)," and the Mojito. Cold-weather drinks made with rum include the Rum toddy and Hot Buttered Rum. In addition to these well-known cocktails, a number of local specialties utilize rum. Examples of these local drinks include Bermuda's Dark 'N' Stormy (Gosling's Black Seal rum with ginger beer), and the Painkiller from the British Virgin Islands.

Rum may also be used as a base in the manufacture of liqueurs. Spiced Rum is made by infusing rum with a combination of spices. Another combination is jagertee, a mixture of rum and black tea.

Rum may also be used in a number of cooked dishes. It may be used as a flavoring agent in items such as rum balls or rum cakes. Rum is commonly used to macerate fruit used in fruitcakes and is also used in marinades for some Caribbean dishes. Rum is also used in the preparation of Bananas Foster and some hard sauces. Rum is sometimes mixed in with ice cream often together with raisins.

Ti Punch is short for "petit punch", little punch. This is a very traditional drink in the French-speaking region of the Caribbean.

Source :

See Also : Floral, Florist Sydney, Florist Melbourne

Rum in Society

Rum is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane by-products such as molasses and sugarcane juice by a process of fermentation and distillation. The distillate, a clear liquid, is then usually aged in oak and other barrels.

The majority of the world's rum production occurs in and around the Caribbean and in several Central American and South American countries, such as Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Colombia, Venezuela, Jamaica, Guyana, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Cuba. There are also rum producers in places such as Australia, Fiji, the Philippines, India, Reunion Island, Mauritius, and elsewhere around the world.

Light rums are commonly used in cocktails, whereas golden and dark rums are also appropriate for drinking straight, or for cooking. Premium rums are also available that are made to be consumed straight or with ice.

Rum plays a part in the culture of most islands of the West Indies, and has famous associations with the Royal Navy (See: Grog) and piracy (See: Bumbo). Rum has also served as a popular medium of exchange that helped to promote slavery along with providing economic instigation for Australia's Rum Rebellion and the American Revolution.

Source :

See Also : Gifts Australia, Flowers Melbourne, Flowers Sydney

The Spirit of Cognac

Cognac (pronounced /ˈkɒnjæk/), named after the town of Cognac in France, is the most famous variety of brandy. It is produced in the wine-growing region surrounding the town from which it takes its name, in the French Departements of Charente and Charente-Maritime.

According to French Law, in order to bear the name Cognac, the production methods for the distilled brandy must meet defined legal requirements, ensuring strict conformity with a 300-year old production process. It must be made from at least 90% Ugni Blanc, Folle Blanche or Colombard grapes; of these, Ugni Blanc, known locally as Saint-Emilion, is the most widely-used variety today. It must be distilled twice in copper pot stills and aged at least two years in French oak barrels from Limousin or Tronçais. Most cognacs are aged considerably longer than the minimum legal requirement of two years because cognac matures in the same way as whiskies and wine when aged in a barrel.

Fine, aged cognac is appreciated and collected by connoisseurs in much the same way as fine French wines and old Irish and Scottish whiskies.

Source :

See Also : Delivery Toronto, Flowers Mexico, Online Flower

Types of Rice Wine and the Country from which it’s Originated

Some types of rice wine include:

• Amazake - low-alcohol Japanese rice drink

• Ang Jiu - Chinese red rice wine

• Brem - Balinese rice wine

• Cheongju - Korean rice wine

• Beopju - a variety of cheongju

• Cơm rượu - A Vietnamese dessert milky rice wine

• Choujiu - A milky glutinous rice wine popular in Xi'an, China

• Gamju - A milky, sweet rice wine from Korea

• Huangjiu - A Chinese fermented rice wine, literally "yellow wine" or "yellow liquor", with colors varying from clear to brown or brownish red. Famous varieties include those produced in Shaoxing. Used for both drinking and cooking.

• Jiuniang - A Chinese soup- or pudding-like dessert made from fermented glutinous rice in a midly alcoholic rice wine

• Kulapo - A reddish rice wine with strong odor and alcohol content from the Philippines

• Lao-Lao - A clear rice wine from Laos

• Lihing - Kadazan rice wine (Sabah, Malaysian Borneo)

• Makgeolli - a milky traditional rice wine indigenous to Korea

• Mijiu - a clear, sweet Chinese rice wine/liqueur made from fermented glutinous rice, drunk as a beverage, used in cooking, or served as a dessert called jiuniang or laozao in southern China. Can be considered a category of huangjiu.

• Pangasi - Rice wine from Mindanao in the Philippines.

• Raksi - Tibetan and Nepali rice wine

• Rượu đế - a distilled liquor from Vietnam, made of either glutinous or non-glutinous rice

• Rượu cần - Vietnamese rice wine drunk through long, thin bamboo tubes

• Rượu nếp - Sweet, milky Vietnamese rice wine made from sticky rice

• Sake - Japanese rice wine

• Sato - A rice wine originating in the Isan region of Thailand

• Shōchū - a Japanese alcoholic beverage that can be made from rice, although it is more commonly made from barley, sweet potato, or sugar cane

• Soju - Korean alcoholic beverage, often mistaken as rice wine, but actually almost always in combination with other ingredients such as wheat, barley, or sweet potatoes

• Sonti - Indian rice wine

• Hadia- Rice beer made after fermentation in Chottanagpur regions of eastern Indian states of Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal (india)Rasi the refined wine of Hadia

• Tuak - Dayak rice wine (Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo)

• Tapuy - Clear rice wine from the Philippines' cordillera region, also called Tapey and Bayah

• Tapai - Kadazandusun rice wine (Sabah, Malaysian Borneo)

Source :

See Also : Florist Toronto, Same Day Delivery Flower, Flowers Toronto

The Rice Wine

Rice wine is an alcoholic beverage made from rice. Unlike wine, which is made by fermentation of naturally sweet grapes and other fruit, rice "wine" results from the fermentation of rice starch converted to sugars. This process is akin to that used to produce beer; however, beer production employs a mashing process to convert starch to sugars whereas rice wine uses the different amylolytic process. Alcoholic beverages distilled from rice were exclusive to East and Southeast Asian countries, with knowledge of the distillation process reaching India and parts of South Asia later through trade. Rice brew typically has a higher alcohol content (18-25%) than wine (10-20%), which in turn has a higher alcohol content than beer (3-8%).

Source :

See Also : UK Florist, Flower Shops Delivery, Flowers UK

About Wine's Artificial Aging

There is a long history of man using artificial means to try to accelerate the natural aging process. In Ancient Rome a smoke chamber known as a fumarium was used to enhance the flavor of wine through artificial aging. Amphorae were placed in the chamber, which was built on top of a heated hearth, in order to impart a smoky flavor in the wine that also seemed to sharpen the acidity. The wine would sometimes come out of the fumarium with a paler color just like aged wine. Modern winemaking techniques like micro-oxygenation can have the side effect of artificially aging the wine. In the production of Madeira and rancio wines, the wines are deliberately exposed to excessive temperatures to accelerate the maturation of the wine. Other techniques used to artificially age wine (with inconclusive results on their effectiveness) include shaking the wine, exposing it to radiation, magnetism or ultra-sonic waves. More recently, experiments with artificial aging through high-voltage electricity have produced results above the remaining techniques, as assessed by a panel of wine tasters.

Source :

See Also : Flower Chelsea, Order Flowers Delivery, Florist London

The Aging of Wine

The aging of wine, and its ability to potentially improve in quality, distinguishes wine from most other consumable goods. While wine is perishable and capable of deteriorating, complex chemical reactions involving a wine's sugars, acids and phenolic compounds (such as tannins) can alter the aroma, color, mouthfeel and taste of the wine in a way that may be more pleasing to the taster. The ability of a wine to age is influenced by many factors including grape variety, vintage, viticultural practices, wine region and winemaking style. The condition that the wine is kept in after bottling can also influence how well a wine ages and may require significant time and financial investment.

The ratio of sugars, acids and phenolics to water is a key determination of how well a wine can age. The less water in the grapes prior to harvest, the more likely the resulting wine will have some aging potential. Grape variety, climate, vintage and viticultural practice come into play here. Grape varieties with thicker skins, from a dry growing season where little irrigation was used and yields were kept low will have less water and a higher ratio of sugar, acids and phenolics. The process of making Eisweins, where water is removed from the grape during pressing as frozen ice crystals, has a similar effect of decreasing the amount of water and increasing aging potential.

In winemaking, the duration of maceration or skin contact will influence how much phenolic compounds are leached from skins into the wine. Pigmented tannins, anthocyanins, colloids, tannin-polysaccharides and tannin-proteins not only influence a wine's resulting color but also act as preservatives. During fermentation adjustment to a wine's acid levels can be made with wines with lower pH having more aging potential. Exposure to oak either during fermentation or after during barrel aging will introduce more phenolic compounds to the wines. Prior to bottling, excessive fining or filtering of the wine could strip the wine of some phenolic solids and may lessen a wine's ability to age.

The storage condition of the bottled wine will influence a wine's aging. Vibrations and heat fluctuations can hasten a wine's deterioration and cause adverse effect on the wines. In general, a wine has a greater potential to develop complexity and more aromatic bouquet if it is allowed to age slowly in a relatively cool environment. The lower the temperature, the more slowly a wine develops. On average, the rate of chemical reactions in wine double with each 18 °F (8 °C) increase in temperature. Wine expert Karen MacNeil, recommends keeping wine intended for aging in a cool area with a constant temperature around 55°F (13°C). Wine can be stored at temperatures as high as 69°F (20°C) without long term negative effect. Professor Cornelius Ough of the University of California, Davis believes that wine could be exposed to temperatures as high as 120 °F (49 °C) for a few hours and not be damaged. However, most experts believe that extreme temperature fluctuations (such as repeated transferring a wine from a warm room to a cool refrigerator) would be detrimental to the wine. The ultra-violet rays of direct sunlight should also be avoided because of the free radicals that can develop in the wine and result in oxidation.

Wines packaged in large format bottles, such as magnums and 3 liter Jeroboams, seem to age more slowly than wines packaged in regular 750 ml bottles or half bottles. This may be because of the greater proportion of oxygen exposed to the wine during the bottle process. The advent of alternative wine closures to cork, such as screw caps and synthetic corks have opened up recent discussions on the aging potential of wines sealed with these alternative closures. Currently there is no conclusive results and the topic is the subject of ongoing research.

Source :

See Also : Flowers Online, Sending Flowers, Delivery Flowers

A Short Article about Wine Cellar

A wine cellar is a storage room for wine in bottles or barrels, or more rarely in carboys, amphorae or plastic containers. In an active wine cellar, important factors such as temperature and humidity are maintained by a climate control system. In contrast, passive wine cellars are not climate-controlled, and are usually built underground to reduce temperature swings. An aboveground wine cellar is often called a wine room, while a small wine cellar (less than 500 bottles) is sometimes termed a wine closet.

Wine cellars protect alcoholic beverages from potentially harmful external influences, providing darkness and a constant temperature. Wine is a natural, perishable food product. Left exposed to heat, light, vibration or fluctuations in temperature and humidity, all types of wine can spoil. When properly stored, wines not only maintain their quality but many actually improve in aroma, flavor, and complexity as they mature.

Wine can be stored satisfactorily between 7–18 °C (45–64 °F) as long as any variations are gradual. A temperature of 13 °C (55 °F), much like what is found in the caves used to store wine in France, is ideal for both short-term storage and long-term aging of wine. Note that wine generally matures differently and more slowly at a lower temperature than it does at a higher temperature. Between 10–14 °C (50–57 °F), wines will age normally.

Wine cellars can be either active or passively cooled. Active wine cellars are highly insulated and need to be properly constructed. They require specialized wine cellar conditioning and cooling systems to maintain the desired temperature and humidity. In a very dry climate, it may be necessary to actively humidify the air, but in most areas this is not necessary. Passive wine cellars must be located in naturally cool and damp areas with minor seasonal and diurnal temperature variations—for example, a basement in a temperate climate. Passive cellars may be less predictable, but cost nothing to operate and are not affected by power outages.

Some wine experts debate the importance of humidity for proper wine storage. In the Wine Spectator, writer Matt Kramer noted a French study which claimed that the relative humidity within a bottle is maintained 100% regardless of the closure used or the orientation of the bottle. However, Alexis Lichine says that low humidity can be a problem because it may cause organic corks to dry prematurely. An inch of gravel covering the floor periodically sprinkled with a little water was recommended to retain the desired humidity.

Source :

See Also : Flowers India, Birthday Flowers, Flowers Gifts

The Luscious Muffin

A muffin is a type of bread that is baked in small portions. Many forms are somewhat like small cakes or cupcakes in shape, although they usually are not as sweet as cupcakes and generally lack frosting. Savory varieties, such as cornbread muffins, also exist. They generally fit in the palm of an adult hand, and are intended to be consumed by an individual in a single sitting.

In Commonwealth countries muffin can also refer to a disk-shaped English muffin. As American-style muffins are also sold in Commonwealth countries, the term muffin can refer to either product, with the context usually making clear which is meant.

There are many varieties and flavors of muffins made with a specific ingredient such as blueberries, chocolate chips, cucumbers, raspberry, cinnamon, pumpkin, date, nut, lemon, banana, orange, peach, strawberry, boysenberry, almond, and carrot, baked into the muffin. Muffins are often eaten for breakfast; alternatively, they may be served for tea or at other meals.

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See Also : Birthday Gifts, India Gifts, India Gift

The Meaning of Pâtisserie

A pâtisserie is the type of French bakery that specializes in pastries and sweets. In France, it is a legally controlled title that may only be used by bakeries that employ a licensed maître pâtissier (master pastry chef).

In France, the pâtissier is a pastry chef who has completed a lengthy training process, typically an apprenticeship, and passed a written examination. Often found in partnership with a boulangerie, pâtisseries are a common sight in towns and villages in France.

The term pâtisserie also refers to the pastries produced by a pâtissier. Mass-produced pastries are also sometimes called pâtisserie.

In Australia, pâtisserie is used instead of the words bakery or pastry shop.

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See Also : Malaysia Florist, Dubai Flower, Dubai Flowers

What is Confectionary Store?

A confectionery store (more commonly referred to as a sweet shop in the United Kingdom or a candy store in the United States) sells confectionery and is usually targeted to children or tourists in the modern retail world. Most confectioners are usually filled with an assortment of sweets far larger than a grocer or convenience store can accommodate, the selection is often nostalgic for many and sometimes overwhelming on the senses. Very often unchanged in layout since their inception, either because the stores are rare survivals in a competitive world or tourism aimed recreations, such stores have a warming and nostalgic feel with vast collections of sweets in jars, with sights and smells that recall childhood memories.

The first chocolate sellers opened in the mid-seventeenth century in London, with an early example being White's. At first the great expense of chocolates allowed only the wealthiest to enjoy them, but they became increasingly within the economic reach of ordinary people as the years went on and the price of confectionery decreased. Some famous confectioners in the United States include Orne's Candy Store, which opened in 1885 in downtown Boothbay Harbor on the coast of Maine, and Fannie May Candies, which opened its first retail confectioners in Chicago in 1920.

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See Also : Malaysia Gift, Birthday Gift, Florist Malaysia

Talk About Cake Decorating...

Cake decorating is one of the sugar arts that uses icing or frosting and other edible decorative elements to make otherwise plain cakes more visually interesting. Alternatively, cakes can be molded and sculpted to resemble three-dimensional persons, places and things.

In many areas of the world, decorated cakes are often a focal point of a special celebration such as a birthday, graduation, bridal shower, wedding, or anniversary.

During the 1840s, the advent of temperature-controlled ovens and the production of baking soda and baking powder made baking cakes much easier. Even though baking from scratch decreased during the latter part of the 20th century in the United States decorated cakes have remained an important part of celebrations such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, showers and other special occasions.

Some cake designers are former painters. Colette Peters, of Colette’s Birthday Cakes, and some of Colette's employees have degrees in Fine Arts, or art history and Duff Goldman was a graffiti artist.

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See Also : Online Flowers Ordering, Flower Hong Kong, Hong Kong Flower

The History of Pastry

European traditions of pastry-making is often traced back to the short crust era flaky doughs that were in use throughout the Mediterranean in ancient times. These recipes were popularized in Western Europe by Crusaders returning home.

In the Mediterranean, the Romans, Greeks and Phoenicians all had filo-style pastries in their culinary traditions. There is also strong evidence that the ancient Egyptians produced pastry-like confections. It is very possible that Egyptians made and ate pastries. They had professional bakers that surely had the skills to do so, and they also had needed materials like flour oil and honey. In the plays of Aristophanes, in 5th century BC, there are mentions of sweetmeats including small pastries filled with fruit. The Romans used flour, oil and water to make pastries that were used to cover meats and fowls. They did this during baking to keep in the juices, but this was not meant to be eaten by people. A pastry that was meant to be eaten was a richer pastry that was made into small pastries and contained eggs or little birds. It was often served at banquets. Greeks and Roman both struggled in making a good pastry because of the fact that they both used oil in the cooking process and oil causes the pastry to lose its stiffness.

In medieval North Europe they were able to produce nice, stiff pastries because they cooked with lard and butter. There were some incomplete lists of ingredients found in medieval cookbooks, but no full, detailed versions. There were stiff, empty pastries called coffins or 'huff paste', that were eaten by servants only and included an egg yolk glaze to help make them more enjoyable to consume. Medieval pastries also included small tarts to add richness to the snack. It was not until about the Mid 16th century until actual pastry recipes showed up. These recipes were adopted and adapted over time in various European countries, resulting in the myriad of pastry traditions known to the region, from Portuguese "pastéis de nata" in the west to Russian "pirozhky" in the east. The use of chocolate in pastry-making in the West, so commonplace today, arose only after Spanish and Portuguese traders brought chocolate to Europe from the New World starting in the 1500s. Many culinary historians consider French pastry chef Antonin Carème (1784-1833) to have been the first great master of pastry making in modern times.

Pastry-making also has a strong tradition in many parts of Asia. Chinese pastry is made from rice, or different types of flour, with fruit, sweet bean paste or sesame-based fillings. Beginning in the 19th century, the British brought western-style pastry to the far east, though it would be the French influenced Maxim in the 1950s that made western pastry popular in Chinese-speaking regions starting with Hong Kong. Still, the term "Western Cake" (西餅) is used to differentiate between the automatically assumed Chinese pastry. Other Asian countries such as Korea have traditionally prepared pastry-confections such as tteok, hangwa, and yaksi with flour, rice, fruits, and regional specific ingredients to make unique type desserts. And Japan also has specialized pastry-confections better known as mochi and manju. Pastry-confection that originate in Asia are clearly distinct from those that originate in the West that are generally much sweeter.

Source :

See Also : Sending Gift, Send Flowers to, Same Day Roses Delivery

The Background & Main Types of Pastry

Pastries go back to the ancient Mediterranean almost paper-thin multi-layered baklava and filo. Medieval Europe took on pastry making after the Crusaders brought it back. French and Italian Renaissance chefs eventually perfected the Puff and Choux pastries, while 17th and 18th century chefs brought new recipes to the table. These new pastries included brioche, Napoleons, cream puffs, and éclairs. French chef Antonin Careme reportedly was the first to incorporate art in pastry making.

Main types of pastry

Shortcrust pastry
Shortcrust, or short, pastry is the simplest and most common pastry. It is made with flour, fat, salt, and water. The process of making pastry includes mixing of the fat and flour, adding water, and rolling out the paste. It is cooked at 180°C and the result is a soft, tender pastry. A related type is the sweetened sweetcrust pastry.

Flaky (or rough puff) pastry
Flaky pastry is a simple pastry that expands when cooked due to the number of layers. This is perfect if you are looking for a crisp, buttery pastry. The “puff” is obtained by beginning the baking process with a high temperature and lowering the temperature to finish.

Puff pastry
Puff pastry has many layers that cause it to expand or “puff” when baked. Pastries are made using flour, butter, salt, and water. Pastry rises up due to the combination and reaction of the four ingredients and also from the air that gets between the layers. Puff pastries come out of the oven light, flaky, and tender.

Choux pastry
Choux pastry is a very light pastry that is filled with cream. The pastry is filled with various flavors of cream and is often topped with chocolate. Choux pastries can also be filled with things like cheese, tuna, or chicken to be used as appetizers.

Phyllo (filo) pastry
Phyllo pastries are usually paper-thin and greatly stretched. They involve several stretched out layers and are wrapped around a filling and brushed with butter. These pastries are very delicate and can break easily.

Source :

See Also : Flowers Online, Send Gift to, Send Gifts to

About the "Pastry" Term

Pastry is the name given to various kinds of baked goods made from ingredients such as flour, butter, shortening, baking powder or eggs. Small cakes, tarts and other sweet baked goods are called "pastries".

Pastry may also refer to the dough from which such baked goods are made. Pastry dough is rolled out thinly and used as a base for baked goods. Common pastry dishes include pies, tarts and quiches.

Pastry is distinguished from bread by having a higher fat content, which contributes to a flaky or crumbly texture. A good pastry is light and airy and fatty, but firm enough to support the weight of the filling. When making a shortcrust pastry, care must be taken to blend the fat and flour thoroughly before adding any liquid. This ensures that the flour granules are adequately coated with fat and less likely to develop gluten. On the other hand, overmixing results in long gluten strands that toughen the pastry. In other types of pastry, such as Danish pastry and croissants, the characteristic flaky texture is achieved by repeatedly rolling out a dough similar to that for yeast bread, spreading it with butter, and folding it to produce many thin layers of folds.

Many pie recipes involve blind-baking the pastry before the filling is added. Pastry dough may be sweetened or perhaps unsweetened.

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See Also : Bouquet, Roses, Floral

Champagne Breakfast

A champagne breakfast is a breakfast served with champagne or sparkling wine.

It may be part of any day or outing considered particularly luxurious or indulgent. The accompanying breakfast is sometimes of a similarly high standard and include rich foods such as salmon, caviar, chocolate or pastries, which would not ordinarily be eaten at breakfast or more courses. At fashionable restaurants the breakfast can cost £4,000 or more. Instead of as a formal meal the breakfast can be given to the recipient in a basket or hamper.

As part of a day where scheduled activities have been arranged, the breakfast may be served early in the day, or even at sunrise. The breakfast may be as part of a cruise or tour. It can be a part of honeymooning couple's itinerary, or stay at a hotel, when it may be delivered to the couple in bed. This can also be a part of Valentine's day or a Valentine's Day holiday package.

The breakfast can be delivered or served to someone as part of any treat acknowledging the person's worth, such as Mother's day, or as a celebration of an event or achievement. A champagne breakfast was even fed to Red Marauder when the horse won the Grand National. It may be a tradition at some colleges for graduation, such as Wells College. People may be awarded a Champagne breakfast as part of winning a competition.

The breakfast may be hosted as a means of attracting people for the launch of a business, or a charity fundraiser.

It is a new concept in some countries and is not typical of the role of a breakfast.

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See Also : Online Florist, Flower Shop, Flowers Delivery

The Baby Stroller

Baby transport (or child carrier, stroller, perambulator (pram) or baby carrier) consists of devices for transporting and carrying infants. A "child carrier" or "baby carrier" is a device used to carry an infant or small child on the body of an adult. Such on-the-body carriers are designed in various forms such as baby slings, backpack carriers, and soft front or hip carriers, with varying materials and degrees of rigidity, decoration, support and confinement of the child.

A "baby carriage" (in North American English), "pram" (in British English) or "carrycot" is generally used for newborn babies and have the infant lying down facing the pusher.

A "stroller" (North American English) or "push chair" (British English, also sometimes "buggy") has the child (generally up to three years old) in a sitting position, usually facing forwards, instead of facing the pusher.

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See Also : Flowers, Send Flowers, Flower Delivery

Love Spoon as a Unique Gift

The love spoon is thought to have originated from the "cawl" (soup or stew) spoon. Over generations, decorative carvings were added to the spoon and it lost its original practical use and became a treasured decorative item to be hung proudly on a wall.

The earliest surviving example, displayed in the St Fagans National History Museum near Cardiff, dates from around 1667, although the tradition probably dates back long before that.

The love spoon was given to a young woman by her suitor. It was important for the girl's father to see that the young man was capable of providing for the family and woodworking.

Sailors would often carve love spoons during their long journeys, which is why anchors would often be incorporated into the carvings.

Certain symbols came to have specific meanings: a horseshoe for luck, a cross for faith, bells for marriage, hearts for love, a wheel supporting a loved one. and a lock for security, among others. Caged balls indicated the number of children hoped for. Other difficult carvings, such as chains, were as much a demonstration of the carver's skill as a symbolic meaning.

Although the Welsh lovespoon is the most famous there are also traditions of lovespoons in Scandinavia and some parts of Eastern Europe, which have their own unique styles and techniques.

Today love spoons are given as wedding and anniversary gifts, as well as birthday, baby gifts, Christmas and "just because". They are now mostly seen as a folk craft.

Source :
See Also : Florist, Florists, Flower

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Water Boom Jadi Favorit Anak-anak

Wahana air Jessica Waterpark makin lengkap ditambah kehadiran Water Boom, kolam arus dan kolam adventure. Pada Grand Opening Jessica Waterpark, arena seluncur water boom menyita perhatian anak-anak. Wahana air dengan papan seluncur berkelok-kelok ini menjadi rebutan anak-anak.

Puluhan anak harus mengantre untuk menjajal permainan perosotan dari ketinggian 8 meter. Dengan bantuan beberapa orang lifeguard, satu per satu anak meluncur bergantian hingga menyebur ke kolam air yang dangkal. Mereka tampak riang menikmati arena perosotan itu.

Seorang lifeguard juga menjajal arena Water Boom khusus dewasa dengan ketinggian 12 meter. Di sini pengunjung bisa perosotan sambil menaiki ban pelampung. Ban bisa pula digunakan berpasangan. Anak-anak boleh saja menjajal water boom setinggi 12 meter asalkan didampingi orangtuanya.

Wahana air ini juga dilengkapi kolam arus. Pengunjung bisa menikmati sensasi petualangan berkeliling dengan menaiki ban karet di sekitar area Jessica Waterpark. Pengunjung bakal dibawa berputar-putar mengikuti arus kolam sepanjang 200 meter dengan kedalaman 1,20 meter layaknya bermain arum jeram.

Arena permainan lainnya yang tak kalah seru adalah kolam adventure. Sebuah ember raksasa tergantung di pinggir kolam. Sewaktu-waktu ember ini akan terbalik menumpahkan isi air di dalamnya yang penuh sehingga menguyur semua penghuni kolam adventure ini. Beberapa batang tonggak besi menyembul di tengah-tengah kolam. Tonggak besi ini bisa menyemburkan air dari segala arah.

Wahana air Jessica Waterpark akan menjadi hiburan alternatif, khususnya bagi warga Samarinda dalam menghabiskan liburan bersama keluarga tercinta. Pada grand opening kemarin, pengelola Jessica Waterpark membagikan 100 tiket gratis selama sebulan. Seratus tiket ini dimasukkan dalam balon udara yang diterbangkan ke udara usai pengguntingan pipa.

"Untuk sementara, tiket masuk pengunjung masih sama seperti sebelumnya. Tiket dewasa Rp 25.000 dan anak-anak Rp 20.000. Harga tiket ini bakal naik per 1 Juli nanti, untuk dewasa Rp 40.000 dan anak-anak Rp 30.000 per orang," kata Hendrika Fransisca Luaq, Direktur Pengelola Jessica Waterpark. Wahana air Jessica Waterpark dilengkapi Ruang Loker, Enggang Resto, Gazebo dan Mushola.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Perkembangan Arsitektur Modern Makin Diminati

Arsitektur modern memiliki ornament yang sangat minim. Pada arsitektur modern fungsi lebih diutamakan dalam menentukan bentuk, ukuran dan bahan. Di Indonesia rumah-rumah dengan gaya arsitektur modern mulai banyak diterapkan pada awalt tahun 70-an.

Di masa sekarang pun banyak rumah-rumah baru yang dibangun dengan gaya arsitektur modern dengan penyesuain terhadap bahan bangunan dengan teknologi terkini, perkembangan budaya dan wawasan serta gaya hidup penghuninya.

Eksterior rumah dengan gaya arsitektur modern didominasi dengan jendela yang berukuran lebar dan atau tinggi, list plang beton memanjang dan kanopi yang menjeorok ke depan. Dengan kolom yang simple atau bahkan tanpa kolom. Bentuk masa rumah modern di dekorasi dengan ornament garis vertical, horizontal, dan diagonal yang sederhana pada dinding eksterior yang luas

Interior rumah modern ditata dengan ornament yang sederhana, plafond bertingkat dan void di ruang-ruang public yang meberikan kesan luas.

Ruang pada rumah dengan gaya Arsitektur Modern umunya transparan, menerus, ruang-ruang saling terhubung dengan ruang-ruang perantara dibatasi oleh dekorasi interior yang tidak masiv.

Bahan bangunan berupa stainless steel finishing polished, aluminum anodized, kaca berwarna / tinted glass, marupakan bahan dengan jenis finishing mencirikan rumah modern dimasa-masa awal berkembangnya di Indonesia. Disaat sekarang ini banyak bahan engunan dengan teknologi modern yang menjadi komponen penting seperti galvanized metal, granitile, grc, perforated metal dll.

Beberapa ciri arsitektur modern sebagai berikut:

* Asimetris
* Orientasi pola horizontal
* Atap datar
* Tidak ada cornice /profil atap
* Bentuk Kotak
* Halus
* Penampian efisien
* Sudut lengkung
* Jendela Kaca
* Aluminium dan stainless steel trim pada pintu dan jendela
* Panel mengkilap
* Baluster metal
* Deretan jendela atau garis-garis
* Sedikit atau tidak ada hiasan
* Denah terbuka


Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Memilih Furniture Minimalis

Membeli furniture untuk rumah memang gampang asal telah terpenuhi biaya yang dibutuhkan, tetapi untuk memilih furniture yang susuai untuk ruangan dan nyaman untuk dilihat dan dinikmati tidak gampang.

Berikut ini tips untuk memilih dan membeli furniture untuk ruangan rumah anda, agar benar benar dapat sesuai keinginan anda dan tidak menimbulkan penyesalan dikemudian hari.

Survey Ruangan
Adakan survey untuk ruang yang akan diisi dengan furniture. Perhatikan warna dinding, luas ruang, tinggi plafon, aksesories ruang serta hal lain yang akan dipilih, misalnya tema klasik, mediterania, minimalis, tradisional, bali dan sebagainya.

Penataan Ruangan
Untuk ruang yang sempit, gunakan Furniture Minimalis yang terkesan ringan dan kecil. Furniture minimalis bisa memberikan efel luas atau lega pada ruang tersebut. Ruang kecil akan terkesan besar bila jumlah furniture sedikit dan terdapat obyek dinding yang cukup besar, misalnya foto atau lukisan yang memenuhi suatu ruangan.

Ruang yang besar, dapat dibagi kedalam berbagai area yang berbeda. Ruang yang besar dapat memberikan banyak pilihan untuk penataan interior. Tetapi jika terlalu banyak ruang yang kosong, dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kesan dingin. Penyesuaian WarnaSebaiknya pemilihan furniture dipadukan dengan warna dinding. Pilih warna perabot yang sesuai dengan warna dinding. Bila warna tembok berwarna krem, usahakan warna perabot berkisar dalam warna monokrom krem atau yang senada. Lebih baik lagi jika anda menggunakan jasa desainer interior untuk menara ruang anda.

Penyesuaian Tema Ruang
Untuk pemilihan tema ruang, sesuaikan dengan karakter diri atau keluarga Anda. Jika anda adalah orang yang sibuk dan praktis, dapat memilih tema desain dengan Furniture Minimalis.

Sumber : yellowpages

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Langkah-langkah Dalam Pengolahan Data

Di dalam Olah Data baik secara manual maupun dengan komputerisasi terdiri dari tiga tahapan dasar yaitu input, proses, output. Dan tiga tahapan dasar tersebut dapat dikembangkan menjadi :

a. Orginating-Recording (Pencatatan)
Tahapan ini berhubungan dengan proses pengumpulan data yang biasanya merupakan proses pencatatan (recording) data ke dokumen dasar atau formulir.

b. Classifiying (Klasifikasi)
Tahapan ini memberikan identitas atau pengklasifikasian dalam data yang akan diolah, apakah identifikasi tersebut dilakukan untuk satu kelompok atau beberapa kelompok dari data yang nantinya merupakan karakteristik dari data yang bersangkutan

c. Sorting (Penyusunan)
Setelah data–data yang akan diolah diberikan identifikasi seperti diatas, maka data tersebut mungkin perlu diatur atau disusun sedemikian rupa, contohnya urutkan menurut kode klasifikasinya

d. Calculating (Perhitungan)
Disini data dimanipulasi seperti pelaksanaan perhitungan– perhitungan atau disebut Calculating

e. Summarizing (Penyusunan Laporan)
Untuk memungkinkan dilakukan analisa terhadap data atau informasi yang dihasilkan, diperlukan penyimpulan atau pembuatan rekapitulasi laporan sesuai dengan keinginan pemakai informasi

f. Storing (Penyimpanan)
Storing atau penyimpanan data dan informasi yang sejenis ke dalam file untuk referensi dimasa yang akan datang perlu dilakukan. Dan media penyimpanan ada beberapa macam, disesuaikan dengan metode dan peralatan yang dipakai dalam sistem Olah Data, seperti disk, kartu, dokumen

g. Retrieving (Pencarian)
Di dalam file yang disimpan, pencarian data atau retrieving biasa digunakan dengan cara penyimpanannya, terutama jika pengolahan datanya menggunakan komputer

h. Communicating (Komunikasi )
Dalam proses olah data menjadi informasi, sampai informasi tersebut dipakai oleh user. Diperlukan suatu komunikasi sehinnga mempermudah proses pengolahan data menjadi informasi

i. Reproducing (Penggandaan )
Untuk pengamanan apabila data hilang atau rusak, juga untuk keperluan perusahaan lainnya bisa dilakukan dengan penggandaan dengan menggunakan mesin photocopy, disk, magnetic tape

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Akibat dari Pasang Iklan Sembarangan

Pernahkah Anda ketika menawarkan sebuah produk ataupun jasa mendapat cacian dari seseorang ?

Kalau iya, boleh jadi penyebabnya adalah dari diri sendiri, yakni pasang iklan tidak pada tempatnya atau ngiklan di sembarang tempat.

Fakta seperti ini banyak kita jumpai di internet, bukannya untung malah sebaliknya menjadi buntung. Banyak sekali kerugian yang akan kita dapatkan jika kita melakukan demikian, diantaranya :

# Mendapat Cacian

Kejadian seperti ini biasanya bisa kita jumpai pada email marketing yang berjenis SPAM, kalau Anda belum tahu perbedaan email marketing yang sopan dan tidak sopan, Anda bisa baca ebook saya di ebook marketing seperti di samping kanan atas web ini.

Beberapa email marketing yang bisa dikategorikan sebagai SPAM adalah mengirim email kepada orang yang tidak kita kenal dan mereka tidak memintanya, memborbardir pesan dengan menggunakan software tertentu yang bisa terkirim ke banyak orang sekaligus tanpa adanya personalisasi, dsb.

Kalau Anda tidak mau mengalamai demikian, namun ingin menggunakan iklan jalur email marketing, alangkah baiknya menggunakan opt in mail dengan menggunkan Autoresponder. Apalagi Autoresponder sekarang ini harganya terbilang murah, fiturnya komplit dengan tidak meninggalkan kualitas seperti yang saya pakai selama ini.

# Produk Tidak Laku

Dampak kedua selain mendapat cacian adalah tidak lakuknya produk yang kita pasarkan.

Produk Anda berhubungan dengan cara menjadi Blogpreneur sukses, tapi Anda iklankan produk tersebut ke forum ibu-ibu yang membicarakan tentang kehamilan.

Siapa yang mau membeli kalau iklan yang kita tawarkan tidak mengenai sasaran (tidak tertarget).

Untuk itulah Anda harus menghindari pasang iklan di tempat yang bukan tempatnya. Salah satu cara terbaik beriklan agar iklan kita tepat sasaran adalah dengan menggunakan teknik SEO dengan menjadi TOP 10 Google pasar yang kita bidik.

# Prosentase Penjualan Kecil

Okelah saya tidak memungkiri bisa saja produk yang Anda iklankan tetap laku walau Anda beriklan sembarangan. Tapi perlu diingat, itu prosentesenya kecil dibanding Anda beriklan di tempat yang tepat.

# Jatuhnya Kredibilitas

Apa jadinya bila kita kehilangan kredibilitas, sudah pasti akan sangat sulit bagi kita dalam menjual di internet. Apalagi bisnis di internet tidak mengenal tatap muka dalam setiap transaksinya, maka asas kredibilitaslah yang menjadi pertaruhan.

Dalam pengertian ini, menurut saya pribadi kredibilitas mempunyai makna yang luas, diantaranya: etika kita dalam setiap bertransaksi, profesionalisme dalam pelayanan, kecakapan terhadap produk yang kita pasarkan, cara kita berbicara, kepercayaan, tanggung jawab, pun demikian dengan cara kita beriklan.

Karena ketika kredebilitas tersebut jatuh, imbasnya akan menjadi panjang yang ujung-ujungnya sampai menurunnya profit dan hilangnya penghasilan.

Mudahan-mudahan saja kita terhindar dari demikian dan alangkah baiknya menggunakan cara yang baik, benar dan tepat dalam pasang iklan. Jika semua faktor diatas kita taati, niscaya akan berimbas pula pada apa yang kita idamkan. Amiin….

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia

Persaingan Kreativitas dalam Dunia Bisnis Iklan

Tidak bisa dibayangkan bagaimana sepinya dunia bisnis jika tidak ada iklan. Harus diakui bahwa iklan lah yang telah menyemarakkan dunia bisnis. Persaingan dalam dunia bisnis dengan sendirinya dapat ikan dengan adanya persaingan dalam iklan. Makin tinggi persaingan iklan akan berbanding lurus dengan makin tingginya kompetisi dalam bisnis. Walau begitu, masih ada komponen lainnya yang menentukan persaingan bisnis. termasuk distribusi, harga, dan produknya sendiri.

Iklan adalah salah satu komponen penting dalam bisnis melalui iklan lah pesan-pesan dari produsen disampaikan para calon pemakai dan pemakai produk ataujasa. Bagi konsumen, iklan sangat menolong karena sifatnya yang dengan informasi. Jika kita pasang iklan itu mengenai produk baru. nuansa promosinya sangat kental. Dari tidak tahu menjadi adalah suatu proses. Sementara, bagi pemakai tetap suatu atau jasa. iklan mempunyai tujuan untuk mengingatkan apun manusia mempunyai sifat pelupa. yang berbeda hanya tinggi atau rendahnya sifat tersebut.

begitu pentingnya peran iklan dalam meningkatkanan penjualan produk atau jasa. tidak heran jika bisnis iklan pun ikut berkembang. Tentu yang dimaksud di sini adalah bahwa berhasilnya iklan dalam mendongkrak penjualan. Sebagai suatu industri jasa, bisnis pasang iklan mensyaratkan banyak hal. Salah satu di antaranya adalah bahwa bisnis iklan merupakan suatu multi disiplin. Artinya. diperlukan sumber daya manusia dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Walau begitu. inti dari padanya adalah komunikasi.

Bisnis iklan sebagaimana halnya bisnis-bisnis lainnya keberhasilannya akan sangat tergantung kepada sumber daya manusia yang ada. Kualitas sumber daya manusia atau kehandalannya adalah faktor yang utama. Kebutuhan untuk yang satu ini akan sangat terasa dibandingkan dengan industri produk. Ini terlihat jelas karena industri jasa ini pada hakekatnya mensyaratkan kreatifitas. Hasilnya dalam bentuk desain iklan tidak massal seperti produk. Tidak heran jika industri ini kemudian memerlukan banyak individu yang mampu menghasilkan desain bermutu.

Temukan semuanya tentang Bisnis & Pasang Iklan: Iklan & Jasa - Iklan Baris & Iklan Gratis - Indonesia